Goermans-Taskin 1764/83-84

Instrument from the “Raymond Russel Collection of Early Keyboard Instruments”, Edinburgh

It was the year 1764 when Jean Goermans gave birth to this instrument in Paris. The original version consisted of 3 registers, 2 × 8 ‘and 1 × 4′. It was later revisited by Paskal Taskin in 1783-84 with the addition of the fourth register Peau de buffle and a knee lever. This type of modification of existing instruments was very common in past centuries, and is defined by the term ravalement. 
There are two other instruments by Jean Goermans, respectively from 1750 and 1754, the first in Oxford and the second in New York, both with Louis XV apron stand. The first is very simple, the second shows carved decorations and a knee lever. 
From the point of view of the sound, this instrument is a typical example of French harpsichord: the timbre is rich and complex, the sound is deep in the bass and sharp and crystal clear towards the treble.